Saturday, March 2, 2013

Praying For You A Favored 2013!

(You know, since the world didn't end and all.
"So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew 24:44)

          Welcome to our winter newsletter! We are privileged to share our family with you as we live sideways and prepare for a lifestyle of serving people and sharing the Gospel at home and around the world! Hope you enjoy our family pictures by Julia Pattee Photography!

Eden, Eders, Edes- 14 Months
          My favorite thing about my brothers is that they can always make me laugh. I'm pretty good at convincing them to help me get into boxes and wagons and let them pull me around the house while I practice my princess wave; I do this for their benefit of course.
          I'm constantly climbing stairs and ladders, unraveling toilet paper and staging exaggerated, grinning, faux attempts at mischief whenever someone is looking. To top it all off, I really do love people and enjoy making them smile, I love to blow kisses, give snuggles, and usually obey the first time because it makes Mama and Daddy happy, and that makes me happy.
I am the bubbly life in our family reminding us…
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Zechariah, Zacket, Z-man- 2.5 Years
          If you ask me my name I will tell you "It's is Zat-kuriah!" I'm not sure yet if I want to be a big boy or a little boy. I love imaginary play with cars, capes and hunting, and am awed by the little things in life. When I'm in a good mood, nothing fazes me. When I'm upset, everything is heartbreaking (for everyone, trust me). I will be the first one to say I love you and the last one to hug and kiss you goodbye, seven times. I'm silly and live to make people laugh. I repeat nearly everything Elisha says and thrive on his approval and instruction. I always have kisses and care for my sister. I adore snuggling with Mommy. And I love my Daddy and run for the door every time I hear him come home.
I am the voice that reminds everyone…
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."
Romans 12:10 Oh and… "Jesus is Dod"
Elisha, Lishe, Bubba- 4.5 Years
          I am, as ever, full of both questions and answers. I have a thirst for learning that cannot be quenched, but often have to be reminded by Mommy (because she would know) that people learn better when they don't think they already know everything. I've hit quite a few milestones this year. I can now ride my "two-wheeler" that doesn't even have training wheels! I can read, tie my shoes and count to a hundred and nine (and then backward).
          I like to take Zacket under my wing and teach him about life and the way things work. Eden is kinda like my baby doll and she likes it when I take care of her. I am awed by the bigness of Jesus and God, and am always asking for Mommy and Daddy to read the Bible with me.
In our house I teach by reminder every day…
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." 1 Corinthians 1:25

 Guiding children toward adulthood is an adventure! Even from an early age you begin to see personality strengths, as well as the things they will most likely struggle with as they grow and live. Often, I am afforded glimpses into myself as well! I've found that in a day made up of moments, sometimes normal, sometimes wearying, and often joyful, frequently those moments give us a picture of the favor we so often forget we are living in.
          I continue to teach Bradley classes, which present us beautiful opportunities to build new friendships and of course meet many sweet new babies! I've also been privileged to use my love of photography by contributing to two beautiful weddings and many amazing families' memories this year.
          This year I've learned that I struggle *gasp* with gratefulness, contentment and being actively present. Our challenges this year have afforded me insights into the condition of my heart and propelled me into remembering to be grateful, content with and involved in the everyday. In all of this I am grateful for a husband who embodies James 1:19 and a God who proves Himself to me, even though He doesn't have to.
          In the past months I've finished my extended cross-country, passed my commercial written, and Kellyn and I were very blessed by our first public speaking experience with our beloved local church family! More detailed posts (which yes, have taken a long time to write!) to follow on our blog! Up next my final semester focuses first on instrument training, and then preparing for the last practical test for Commercial certification!

To pray with us toward our goals:
·         Pay off the last bit of last semester's tuition.
·         Come up with a financial plan to see us through the coming six months.
·         Keep seeking God as we plan our eight week internship!
·         GRADUATE!

          God has been working through people in amazing ways that have benefited us both in heart and in practicality; for example we were able to spend the month of December with my family while I worked for my Dad providing us with both down time and work this winter break. I then was offered a few weeks of work helping with computers at Moody until school starts! We are incredibly thankful for the unexpected financial generosity of so many of you who made a huge difference in our tuition last semester! As requested we have put information about contributing to our education and ministry @ 

I've been blessed with a wife who "speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." (Proverbs 31:26), a daughter whose smile lights up our home, and sons whose earnest thirst for God's Word and the awed significance they find reminds me again and again that His word is living and active and will not return void. Our root families, faith family, and other family by heart have sown into our lives beyond what we could have ever anticipated this year and continue to challenge, encourage and support us as we walk into the promised, yet unknown.
Thank you for being part of that family!
Nathan, Kellyn, Elisha, Zechariah & Eden

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5&6

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